We traveled to the capital city of Suzail. We spoke with the guards outside the city walls and got ourselves registered. The guard asked our business. We said that we suspected Lord Redbeard of Welloon of treason. We wanted to report this. The guard suggested that we speak with Lord Magistrate Sthavar.

We then went to an inn to have a nice meal. After that, we replenished our supplies. The innkeeper gave us directions to the nearest barracks.

We walked to the barracks and spoke to an officer. He left to look into our request. He returned a bit later and led us to Lord Magistrate Sthavar’s manor house barracks.

Apparently, Sthavar has been suspecting Redbeard of treason. He wants to speak with Lord High Marshall Duke Bhereu about our news. The two of them have plans.

We went downstairs to a lounge and had some drinks and rested up. A little bit later, we are called back to Sthavar’s office. Inside is Bhereu and Royal Magician Vandergast.

We receive orders to find, capture and return with Tomas. Failing that, we are to find proof of Redbeard’s treason. Vandergast gave us rings of accuracy and potions of invisibility.

The next day, Vandergast opens a portal inside our inn. We walk through and are in a settlement just outside of Welloon. We enter town and visit a temple for Lathandor. Everyone inside is in a panic because they were attempting an initiation ceremony and Lathandor did not speak with them. We use the temple as a base because Redbeard’s manor is across the plaza.

We spend that day casing Redbeard’s manor. That night, we made plans for entry.

The next morning, we drank our potions and walked across the plaza and into the manor, successfully passing the guards. We sneak through the house, find Tomas and try to capture him. Our Web spell failed and we fought him. Eventually, he was cut down, but not dead. The cleric gave him first aid to keep him from bleeding out.

In his study, we try to open a door, but the knob activated a portal which summoned a Dabus. We spoke with him.

He said that he works for the Lady of Pain, in the city of Sigil. She wants Tomas because he has been summoning her workers, such as himself. He summons them and questions them before sending them back to Sigil. The spell ended and the Dabus vanished.

We tried the doorknob again, but nothing happened. We then sneaked out of the house, but got caught at the front door. We killed the two guards and fled town with the still unconscious Tomas.