Friday, July 31, 2009

Day Six

We left the place of our fight with the kobolds and soon found ourselves in a clearing with ruins in it. There was a staircase descending underground. These were the remnants of Stormtower Keep.

We entered the keep and found ourselves in a room with a pit in the center. We slew the nearby goblins and headed towards the room to the south. From there we found stairs to the west and an empty room to the east.

We returned to the first room and went east where we fought some goblins that were excavating something (we don't know what). Back in the previous hallway, we found a secret door that led down stairs. This area was the goblin barracks. We killed a sleeping goblin and then a few more.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day Five

We ran through the woods for two days and then stopped to rest, eat and feed Tomas. The next day, we continued our walk to Suzail.

We arrived in Suzail and were promptly taken to see Bhereu. He took Tomas off of our hands so that he could be interrogated. We were given 500 gold each and promised new armor as a reward. We spent a while resting in the lounge. Eventually, we were summoned back to Bhereu.

Vandergast was here with him. He told us that Tomas and Redbeard were devoted servants to the evil god Bane. Tomas had been commanded to summon a demon to wreak havoc on the world, but only managed to summon a Dabus. He said that there is a more experienced cleric living in Stormtower Keep that will be summoning a demon army now that Tomas has failed.

Bhereu is going to move two legions to Welloon to combat the goblins and guard against anything else. He wants us to go to Stormtower Keep and slay the cleric before he can summon anything. The cleric’s name is Kalarel.

We took our leave to purchase supplies. We then returned to Bhereu to collect our new armor. After that, we left the city and traveled for three days.

We stopped in Gladehap village to replenish our food supplies and to rest for the night. Our bard performed in Wrafton Inn to pay for our food and lodging. Lady Wrafton directed us to one of her patrons, Valthrun the Prescient, for directions to Stormtower Keep.

He gave us directions to the keep, but warned that it was built over the Rift to Shadowfell. The empire destroyed it years ago and sent the undead back from whence they came, but they are seeping back into our world. We say that we have to go, we have dire business to tend to.

The next morning we leave Gladehap and walk towards the keep. It’s only a few miles away. On the road, we were attacked by kobolds, but triumphed.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day Four

We traveled to the capital city of Suzail. We spoke with the guards outside the city walls and got ourselves registered. The guard asked our business. We said that we suspected Lord Redbeard of Welloon of treason. We wanted to report this. The guard suggested that we speak with Lord Magistrate Sthavar.

We then went to an inn to have a nice meal. After that, we replenished our supplies. The innkeeper gave us directions to the nearest barracks.

We walked to the barracks and spoke to an officer. He left to look into our request. He returned a bit later and led us to Lord Magistrate Sthavar’s manor house barracks.

Apparently, Sthavar has been suspecting Redbeard of treason. He wants to speak with Lord High Marshall Duke Bhereu about our news. The two of them have plans.

We went downstairs to a lounge and had some drinks and rested up. A little bit later, we are called back to Sthavar’s office. Inside is Bhereu and Royal Magician Vandergast.

We receive orders to find, capture and return with Tomas. Failing that, we are to find proof of Redbeard’s treason. Vandergast gave us rings of accuracy and potions of invisibility.

The next day, Vandergast opens a portal inside our inn. We walk through and are in a settlement just outside of Welloon. We enter town and visit a temple for Lathandor. Everyone inside is in a panic because they were attempting an initiation ceremony and Lathandor did not speak with them. We use the temple as a base because Redbeard’s manor is across the plaza.

We spend that day casing Redbeard’s manor. That night, we made plans for entry.

The next morning, we drank our potions and walked across the plaza and into the manor, successfully passing the guards. We sneak through the house, find Tomas and try to capture him. Our Web spell failed and we fought him. Eventually, he was cut down, but not dead. The cleric gave him first aid to keep him from bleeding out.

In his study, we try to open a door, but the knob activated a portal which summoned a Dabus. We spoke with him.

He said that he works for the Lady of Pain, in the city of Sigil. She wants Tomas because he has been summoning her workers, such as himself. He summons them and questions them before sending them back to Sigil. The spell ended and the Dabus vanished.

We tried the doorknob again, but nothing happened. We then sneaked out of the house, but got caught at the front door. We killed the two guards and fled town with the still unconscious Tomas.